Friday, January 5, 2007

Bush Admin Musical Chairs

And the music never stops...It looks like I was off on the next administration official to step down. Harriet Miers beat my odds and has resigned as White House counsel. I'm surprised she stayed on after that aborted Supreme Court nomination. I still say Snow is next to lay his badge and gun on the captain's desk. Zalmay Khalilzad is going to be nominated replace John Bolton as UN Ambassador. Laura Rozen and Cutler have more on the new appointees.

It appears as if Bush is trying to make his Last Stand in Iraq. Juan Cole is very positive on the new team members, but I'm not sure that even the best and brightest can do much as long as Bush & Cheney Co. are running the show.

Speaking of the Prez, I think he may have been reading Erratum Terrium yesterday and saw the IM convo between Merkel and Rice. Today, after a joint press conference with Merkel, he said: "no back rubs". I wonder if shes softening her "creep" stance on Dubya.

Politics in Not-USA: Why would the IDF launch an raid on the West Bank town of Ramallah on the same day as Israeli PM Olmert was meeting with Egyptian President Mubarak to discuss the peace process? Apparently the general in charge, General Naveh, did not inform Defense Minister Peretz before the raid took place. If this is true, there is either strong internal dissent in the IDF or in the Israeli cabinet. Also, new UN Secretary General Ban described the raid as "an act of violence". At least he said something.

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