Sunday, December 3, 2006

First (1st) Edition - December 3, 2006

We wish to welcome you to the first edition of Erratum Terrium, an online foreign affairs review devoted to providing the masses with a superior tool in the search for truth in the murky waters of international relations. The world has become a very complicated place where political, social, and economic trends spread with ease across national and continental boundaries. Globalization has exceeded the boundaries of free trade agreements to become a total social force, bringing people of very different cultures together. It is more important than ever that the citizens of the world understand what forces shape this new world order; how it can affect them, and more importantly, how they can affect it. We hope that this project can assist in creating that understanding. We welcome the full spectrum of humanity to join us - whatever languages you speak (as long as one of them is English), whatever amount of knowledge you have about foreign affairs, whatever your political opinions are - in this quest for knowledge and understanding, and hopefully through that, a chance at a better world.

We regret that this first edition is not as meaty as was planned.* There are only three sections: one on the uprising in Oaxaca, one on Russian President Putin, and one an op-ed by a famous historical figure. Each edition, published weekly, will usually consist of several thematic sections, two in-depth studies - one of a state, one of a non-state (a world leader, important organization or movement, etc.), and some special sections consisting of merciless tactical strikes on the funny bone. This edition, regrettably, does not include any of the thematic sections. Look forward to those in the Second (2nd) Edition. Please feel free to comment on any and everything you find on this site. Do not spare us your wrath. Wrath is the hamster which spins the wheel of Erratum Terrium. Also please visit the links you will find on your right (-->). Those sites are run by experts and professionals, while this one is run by those who can only be accurately described as illiterate peasants. How did we write all of this, you ask? Come back for the Second (2nd) Edition for the answer to that question, and much, much more. Until next time...

Peace (If everything else fails)

*The relative meatlessness of this edition is due to an illness which struck the editor this weekend. This illness is suspicious because of its rarity in the climate in which he lives. Therefore it can only be assumed that he was poisoned by certain elements who do not want us to expose what we know. What makes the poisoning even more puzzling is the fact that we don't know anything. Except for the fact that we don't know anything. As of yet the investigation into who poisoned the editor has stretched into seven continents, under several oceans, and, on several occasions, into another dimension. If you think you have any pertinent information, do not hesitate to call random numbers and tell whoever answers the phone what you know. One of those people might be us. Sound as crazy as possible. That will prevent the information from falling into the wrong hands.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogosphere!

And thanks for linking WhirledView along with all those other worthies.


Mim Song said...

yes, no apologies necessary -- there plenty of meat here, and well-written meat i might say!

Interested Observer said...

I very much look forward to future editions. I found the first one very thoughtful, analytically sound, insightful and with the necessary addition of humor.

I was particularly interested in the article about Oaxaca. I agree with the anaylsis that the uprising in Oaxaca is part of a much larger picture and connected to dissatisfaction with the neoliberal economic policies promoted by the U.S. and its allies.

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